Free Electricity

Let’s bond out electricity, its been locked up too long.

Old Washing Machine

There are tons of ways to use hydroelectric, I like this one because of his resourcefulness.

Additionally, certain ground conditions yield current.

Earth Battery

Depending on your local geological conditions this may or may not be a useful addition to your home power system.

Hinted at in electroculture, and pyramid building; modifying the grounding condition in any electrical system is an effective way to refine a natural power generation system.

Rumors of Electroculture

Given that the following is authentic, it might fall under the conceptual umbrella of “occasionally (but likely conditionally) weather phenomenon hint at the greater system we exist in…

Voltage related phenomenon?

The ionosphere and earth ground, which is dependent on subterranean conditions such as water, minerals, etc.; form a planet sized spherical capacitor. Modifying the flux is what creates these secondary effects being investigated. Even our normal outlet electricity is just a special simplified form of an alternating current. All these effects are mediated through the luminiferous ether. While certain particle theories fork from this conceptual framework, the engineering our standard technology utilizes was created with it. This is not to say one is right or wrong, it is to say that when solving practical problems, concepts carry scope over solution discovery and methods. For understanding electricity, electrical engineers use many overlapping scoped conceptual tools. This is done because the primary forces being dealt with, electric and magnetic fields, are invisible, misunderstood, powerful & mysterious.

So in order to work with something greater than our explicit sensory understanding we use conceptual tools and symbol languages. These generally describe some visual concept in 3 dimensions, but sometimes dimensions gets into lingual trouble as it is used in higher dimensional spaces than that. Also different people use the term to describe different things, such as in dimensional analysis where you keep track of the logic in metrics of advanced mathematical equations.

Here griffon brock goes over some of the electrostatic ground conditions suitable to promote growth and plant metabolism in general.

Ground Electricity for Agriculture

Here we have a nice description of an earth battery from a patent application. Courtesy of

What about mutant geobacter, a species of soil bacteria which when it loses the ability of its mitochondria to function normally becomes something of a bio-generator.

This reference is straight from the NIH:

Heres the abstract:

Previous studies have suggested that members of the Geobacteraceae can use electrodes as electron acceptors for anaerobic respiration. In order to better understand this electron transfer process for energy production, Geobacter sulfurreducens was inoculated into chambers in which a graphite electrode served as the sole electron acceptor and acetate or hydrogen was the electron donor. The electron-accepting electrodes were maintained at oxidizing potentials by connecting them to similar electrodes in oxygenated medium (fuel cells) or to potentiostats that poised electrodes at +0.2 V versus an Ag/AgCl reference electrode (poised potential). When a small inoculum of G. sulfurreducens was introduced into electrode-containing chambers, electrical current production was dependent upon oxidation of acetate to carbon dioxide and increased exponentially, indicating for the first time that electrode reduction supported the growth of this organism. When the medium was replaced with an anaerobic buffer lacking nutrients required for growth, acetate-dependent electrical current production was unaffected and cells attached to these electrodes continued to generate electrical current for weeks. This represents the first report of microbial electricity production solely by cells attached to an electrode. Electrode-attached cells completely oxidized acetate to levels below detection (<10 μM), and hydrogen was metabolized to a threshold of 3 Pa. The rates of electron transfer to electrodes (0.21 to 1.2 μmol of electrons/mg of protein/min) were similar to those observed for respiration with Fe(III) citrate as the electron acceptor (Eo′ =+0.37 V). The production of current in microbial fuel cell (65 mA/m2 of electrode surface) or poised-potential (163 to 1,143 mA/m2) mode was greater than what has been reported for other microbial systems, even those that employed higher cell densities and electron-shuttling compounds. Since acetate was completely oxidized, the efficiency of conversion of organic electron donor to electricity was significantly higher than in previously described microbial fuel cells. These results suggest that the effectiveness of microbial fuel cells can be increased with organisms such as G. sulfurreducens that can attach to electrodes and remain viable for long periods of time while completely oxidizing organic substrates with quantitative transfer of electrons to an electrode.

Forms of energy exist all around us, in passive low-voltage or low-current equilibrium with the boundary conditions imposed by the ionosphere and the subterranean ground condition. It seems logical that there would be a sort of alternating rhythm to such an electrical condition but that is mere speculation on my part.

It has also been reportedly found that there are ways to tap into gravity as an energy generation function. It would seem that gravity is not a static state but rather an ongoing invisible process just outside the realm of human perception. Perturbed correctly, in some fluctuating system, and you might be able to tap it for work.

Mechanical generator from gravity

Another indication of an intensely powerful dynamic system of pressure mediated ether in flux is the following legend of Wilhelm Reich:

Capacitor Effects on Ground Ionosphere system

Then consider harnessing thermal energy differences across materials with a Tesla Turbine. Jeremiah has been working on one.

Tesla Turbine Power Generator

Not necessarily directly a method to harness electrical energy from various environmental energy sources, the following video by Veritasium considers the nature of an electric impulse. Generally it has been found that the ether, or spacially radiating fields, depending on your conceptual framework, carries the signal on switch closure.

Etheric electrical impulse transmission

Fundamental laws of physical science must be capable of describing and measuring all known physical phenomena regardless of it falling outside the scope of known physical principles. In one discipline, physics, there may be a tendency to over-abstract favoring one main known framework of mathematics. In another practice, electrical engineering; the ultimate razor of progress is whether the intellectual tools applied cover the scope of the engineering problem at hand. It is piecemeal conceptually to deliver a broad spectrum of theoretical concepts which can be applied for the current endeavor of construction or repair. Potentially, while one is well developed and effective, it is limited by scope parameters involving particles and field-abstractions, time-abstractions, topological transforms … Thus more subtle energy potential fields necessarily present from observable effects, are more likely described in continuous vortices and flux mediation via natural mechanisms.

In nature the traffic of any energy potential has likely been exploited in some manner by some organism in the present dna pool. Figuring which one if so and by what way seems like a herculean task. However, when discovered, such as with the above mentioned geobacter, what possible permutations of those functions is possible?

Update on Geobacter based technology:

AMHERST, Mass. – Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have developed a device that uses a natural protein to create electricity from moisture in the air, a new technology they say could have significant implications for the future of renewable energy, climate change and in the future of medicine.

As reported today in Nature, the laboratories of electrical engineer Jun Yao and microbiologist Derek Lovley at UMass Amherst have created a device they call an “Air-gen.” or air-powered generator, with electrically conductive protein nanowires produced by the microbe Geobacter. The Air-gen connects electrodes to the protein nanowires in such a way that electrical current is generated from the water vapor naturally present in the atmosphere.

  1. — Geobacter nanowires

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