The View from the Couch

A satyrical point of view of various scenes I see in my life in Kentucky. This post is an experiment in writing social commentary.

See? This couch is free, an freedom is the view one should strive to have, for it is the greatest vantage point to oversee the domain of possibility through critical thinking. There are so many services in our modern day which have faltered to the point of almost being in service of the polar opposite field from what they so pervasively advertise… It is certainly a sad state of affairs, but not one without hope. While it is most likely unreasonable to expect a perfect correction of course from such massive social establishments, it is not unreasonable to think in terms of small decentralized organization in an effort toward improvement.

These ideas come from the couch, by just being critical analyzing how things actually are at this point in time. Personal experience intrudes on the narrative particular to the things I’ve encountered in life so far which have proven either significantly good or traumatic. There are a lot of crooked enterprise practices going on, on a daily basis, and this has been true for most of recorded human history. It seems it must have occured in prototypical form before what we wrote down began, as we all have an innate sense of this having been going on since the very beginning. Certainly we can find in nature examples of duplicity, the food cache behavior of crows for instance. A crow will pretend to bury a fake food cache if it knows another crow is watching, and avoid the real food cache until it knows it is alone. Sound familiar?

Lets consider that principle operating along the timeline, at every point where a small enclave benefited tremendously; some group has tried, if not pulled off, these corruptions of system structure.

Then there is that principle in the individual, existing in this sense as a corruption of priority from the consensus understanding.

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