The Mystery of Silver and Gold

Elemental symbol Ag, reactive with atmospheric oxygen and its most common electric potential in an oxidized state in aqueous solution is +1. “The common oxidation states of silver are (in order of commonness): +1 (the most stable state; for example, silver nitrate, AgNO3)” [1] Its 47 electrons are arranged in the configuration [Kr]4d105s1, similarly to copper ([Ar]3d104s1) and gold ([Xe]4f145d106s1); [1]

Colloidial Silver, Silver Nitrate and Silver Tetroxide as inorganic antimicrobial agents
Legend has it that these compounds have antibacterial and antiviral properties. The following is from Quora:
“Bo Thompson · Have spent thousands of hours reading studies in Pubmed.
Yes its antiviral, antifungal and antibiotic. You can put it in a green aquarium and watch it clean out. Then you have tetrasilver thats even stronger..they used to use it as a pool cleaner and also in wound ointments. There is a patent on it curing cancer, but Ive never seen studies that prove it. In the old days they would put a silver coin in milk just to get it to last longer. Its fun watching videos of people putting it in fishtanks full of algae..a couple of days and its clear-the same effect as bleach, but minimal toxicity to human cells. Doctors who dispute these things are merely showing their ignorance of medicine and history.” [2]
On the table of standard electrode potentials, silver is represented as the reduction half-reaction of Ag+ to Ag, as it is most commonly found in its +1 oxidation state naturally. This has been used as part of a passive mechanism to lower bacterial load around fillings, by incorporating silver into the amalgam. [3]
Edgar Cayce’s Assertion that Silver (and Gold) can Increase Lifespan
I read in a book, “Egyptian Energy Healing”, that Edgar Cayce asserted the value of dietary silver and gold for longevity. [4]
TetraSilver TetrOxide (TSTO)
It has been said that TSTO is an effective antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and perhaps even anticancer agent. There is documented research and patents to this effect. See, where it is described and explained in detail. [5]