Research Into Electrical Science

This is a research and Notes Article, mainly a place to keep track of certain information sources and some writing to make sense of it all.

Tubes of Force Related

An interesting video utilizing Tubes of Force concepts, talking about Tesla Transformers, Coils, Capacitors, etc.

Concepts discussed include:

  1. Homopolar Generator
  2. WW2 German U-Boat Transformers / Generators
  3. Heaviside’s Telegraph Equation and Coaxial Cable
  4. Negative Resistance of Vibrating Dielectric in a Capacitor (Energy Generation?)
  5. Tubes of Force, Magnetic Vortices in a Coil
  6. External Coil Shielding of High Flux Density to Improve Inductor and Transformer Function

Discussion of using dielectric displacement as alternative current for generating power.

Discussion of material covered in his books, ‘Occult Ether Physics’ and ‘Pentagon Aliens’. Specifically noted are the discussions of DC brush discharge acting as an etheric rigidifying agent, as noted by Tesla in Master Ivos Radiant Lecture 3/3.

Radiant Energy Section

  1. — Master Ivo on Radiant Energy 1/3
  2. — Master Ivo on Radiant Energy 2/3
  3. — Master Ivo on Radiant Energy 3/3


In part 3/3 DC Arc discharge is noted to separate conventional current and etheric (radiant) energy. This is notable as it aligns with the DC brush discharge specified in William Lynes lecture.

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