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Uncategorized / November 16, 2023

The Mystery of Silver and Gold

Silver Elemental symbol Ag, reactive with atmospheric oxygen and its most common electric potential in an oxidized state in aqueous solution is +1. “The common oxidation states of silver are (in order of commonness): +1 (the most stable state; for example, silver nitrate, AgNO3)” [1]  Its 47 electrons are arranged in the configuration [Kr]4d105s1, similarly to copper ([Ar]3d104s1) and gold

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Uncategorized / November 14, 2023

Planetary Orbital Mechanics (Demo.html)

Well these tabs are still open in the browser, so I might as well organize and prepare this information for implementation as part of demo.html. The basic idea here is that celestial bodies, whether large or small, have kinetic trajectories determined by the Kepler equation and another mode is used for when a significant perturbation

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Uncategorized / November 13, 2023

Science Literature: Review and Education on Maths

In order to properly organize and set scope domains for scientific abstracts covering activity of various enzyme inhibitors, the Ki and IC50 values commonly reported must be integrated into a data-set which can be directly compared. This is done so that some idea of the strength of the inhibitor can be comprehended, being mindful that

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Uncategorized / November 13, 2023

SparkTwo LAMP Stack Installation

Installing a local web server for ease of development with WebGL / Three.js / Collada / GLTF / Blender etc. projects. I will be following this blog article. https://www.ubuntumint.com/install-lamp-archlinux/ Install Apache Update the system. Here I used the yay pacman wrapper since it is the default on this system. This is in part due to

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Uncategorized / November 12, 2023

Arch Linux Shell Scripts: Bash return local IP

This post is a note in case I have to rewrite the .bashrc on system crash or some such potential catastrophe. In order to facilitate shell based configuration, it is helpful to have .bashrc display the local and public IP address (IPv4). To that end a simple shell script can be added to .bashrc creating

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Uncategorized / November 4, 2023

Constructing a Virtual Robot Three.js/WebGL

This post is about constructing a virtual robot WebGL experiment, using Threejs.org/examples as a starting point. The ultimate goal is to have a training robot similar to the ones used in automotive manufacturing. Note that, in this article I am trying out a bibliographical style where in post references are marked with a bracketed number,

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Uncategorized / October 21, 2023

WebApps: simpleSolarSystem.html & space.html

The following webapps, simpleSolarSystem.html and space.html are old webgl projects which individually cover the scope of the space demo project… namely that there is a rendered solar system and a 3rd person view camera and controls for a space ship model, including generated geometry plasma bolts. This is an old project and therefore has a

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Uncategorized / September 30, 2023

General Linux

Well specifically Arch Linux, current kernel. (1) Use multiple cores for compiling, or actually set the number of parallel jobs to run in the PKGBUILD file. See: “…So I modified the PKGBUILD to use all my cores. Specifically the make statement, by adding -j <number of jobs> as an argument. After that I watched the percentage just fly to

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