Building an Oxford House Chat Bot

So I decided I wanted to build a chat bot, specifically for Oxford House; which will allow natural language queries concerning the rules and data associated with the particular house and organization in my locale.

After looking into this a bit, and experimenting with some more naive implementations using selenium and other automation solutions, I found a few video tutorials online that suggested a more professional approach. After all I do not want to get banned from platforms or services because of improper implementation.

So the desired front-end, for this project, at this point in time, is Facebook Messenger. Specifically, the messenger attached to my SparkOne() Labs page. Here are two tutorials I will be following in order to implement this.

  1. — Flask app running on NGinx on a Digital Ocean droplet
  2. — Facebook Messenger API with Webhook
  3. — Quick and easy way to deploy flask nginx and SSL with certbot
  4. — Free domains

So after reviewing these excellent video tutorials, I decided to follow this implementation. I already have a domain,, so I created a subdomain through the hostgator cPanel and pointed to the reserved IP of the DO droplet which was created for this project.

This involved creating an A record for the subdomain. The subdomain is

Ok, so two droplets were created, but was having trouble with getting Nginx and uwsgi to talk to each other.

In the meantime I went on github and searched for a python based FB messenger webhook project with a python base and found the following:

  1. — A quick easy FB messenger boilerplate
  2. — A reverse tunnel solution for deploying localhost with https for testing

Well here we are and I feel pretty dumb. A week! Just to get some webhooks and API calls to work…

Anyway, the following script was created and run against an Ampalibe server running on localhost at port 4555:

echo "This script tests the webhook located at localhost:4555, proper functioning will generate a console print 'CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED'"
curl -X GET "localhost:4555?hub.verify_token=8af92b1dc35e60f7&hub.challenge=CHALLENGE_ACCEPTED&hub.mode=subscribe"

So the verification function works, and the proper Verification request type is GET.

Anyway, There is another line to the testing, and it crashes the Ampalibe server with a key-error, however… Worrying about that is co-lateral with the issue at hand. Obviously the problem here is not with the webhook. It is working, or at least working enough when I send the message template from the localhost.

In order to determine if the problem is with a local firewall, I can run the same test from the VPS droplet, with localhost’s port 4555 open. However, I suspect that the FB messenger app itself it not sending out the requests these webhooks are expecting, in fact not sending out any requests at all.

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