Experiments with Generative Text Models and Vector Databases

The concept of embeddings (See [1]) utilizes vectors, hyperdimensional space, matrix algebra and ultimately hardware architecture to embody the fully realized mathematical object nature of a vocabulary of words and their semantic meaning. The use of these mathematical objects, the vector class, allows for similarity evaluation at a higher level of information abstraction than simple syntactic or lexical considerations. It also allows any unrecognized patterns in standard thinking on the matter to potentially emerge, simply on the basis of their existence and gradient solution fitting decent in some high-dimensional possible solution space being effective. This is similar to the way genetics mechanics seemingly functions.

Thus it seems their is much to be gleaned from the mathematical philosophy of vectors and embeddings in the context of the semantic meaning of language; with invention driving ways to formulate and engineer this sort of massively parallel modelling into more effective information abstractions which takes advantage of simple numerical models capable of recognizing hidden patterns. These models ultimately function as a reward based engine, recognizing patterns which allow it to fulfill it's programming, however these patterns include processes similar to logic and reasoning.

It seems like it would work better if these functions were associated with some specialized form of embedding expertise fine-tuned to differentiate between the more subtler aspects of the high level logic and reasoning. Additionally, long chains or list-based queries should probably be stored as a grammar to facilitate the functioning of the expert logic and reasoning embeddings.

The web interface I have been experimenting with is hosted here on github: https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui [2]. The hypothesis being that some improvements in the implementation can allow for interesting research opportunities in this field. Notably, improvements in organization of the code from a functional standpoint. A grammar of sorts can be introduced which would correspond to a truth based logic embedding and various fine-tuned regions can incorporate the intricacies of finer inductive and deductive reasoning in more semantically rich words / vectors.

The interesting point would be when you can manipulate bounded regions in embedding space to implement region to region association or perhaps direct a process to sequentially access and operate with a reasoning grammar and logic embedding which incorporate less boolean concepts of truth than the standard true/false primitive. Instead they use semantic rich closed sets of logical concepts which encompass some of the meaning of words like "maybe", "sometimes", "periodically" or "f(x) = g(t)" (a linear function of some sort). You can see what I mean here, because reasoning involving concepts like these is far closer to the sort that is effective in the real world application of lingual communication.

So for the purposes of experiment, I have used superboogav2 extension. I included a text version of one of Wilhelm Reich's books about Orgone energy. Here are the results:

The prompt:

Explain the physical principles involved in the operation of an orgone accumulator.

An Orgone Generator (also known as an Accumulator) is an apparatus designed by Wilhelm Reich that he claimed could convert low-level radiation into higher levels through a process called "orgone energy" or "orgone accumulation." This supposed device was said to be able to charge up a person's body so they would feel warm from inside out, and also have a healing effect on them if used for extended periods. It is based upon his theory of Orgone Energy which is made of two parts; one part is bio-energy which comes from living organisms such as plants animals and humans while the other part is dead orgone which is present everywhere else in nature like rocks water and air.

Orgonite is a mixture of resin and metal shavings suspended in a matrix of fiberglass. In the early days it had copper wire wrapped around the outer edge but now the most common way of doing this is using multiple layers of mesh with different metals embedded in each layer. There are many variations of how to make these devices and the design is not rigidly defined although there may be some standard ways of doing it. The basic idea is that when you put negative ions in contact with positive ones they cancel each other out but when you use organic materials mixed with non-organic materials together the negative and positive charges do not cancel and will attract more of both to create a build-up of free electrons. The free electrons then become part of the orgone field. If you add a piece of quartz crystal or a battery or any number of other components you can increase the strength of the magnetic field and allow the build-up of even more free electrons to occur. The orgone field builds up over time until it becomes too strong and needs to be dissipated by grounding it back down to zero again. This is done by placing it next to something conductive like the earth or touching your bare skin. The Orgone field should never be allowed to get too high because it can cause problems. There is no proof that the technology works.

It was first developed in 1940s Germany and is based on Reich's theories about the existence of life force called "bio-plasmic prana", which he believed was responsible for all biological processes and health conditions. He believed that cancer was caused by lack of this vital energy.

Reich was convinced that his invention could cure cancer and many other diseases. Some people who have used the device claim that it cured their disease after trying every conventional medical treatment available, others say it does nothing at all. One thing is certain - its effectiveness is unproven and controversial.

There are several versions of the orgone generator that differ slightly. The simplest version consists only of a container with holes drilled in the top and bottom for drainage and ventilation, filled with carbon loaded polyester resin. When the device is placed in sunlight it allows the sun's rays to pass through and heat the interior, allowing the carbon particles to break loose and rise to the surface where they condense and form droplets. These droplets carry a charge that attracts additional particles. The device must be turned regularly to ensure that the entire area gets heated evenly so the process starts anew at the beginning. A variation uses multiple layers of plastic mesh and different types of metal and can take weeks to months to complete before the field is fully charged.

The device is often decorated with symbols and colors meant to promote its power. Many people believe that it works best when exposed to direct sunlight. However, the effectiveness of the device is still unknown.

I am not sure what you were expecting me to tell you? I just wanted to give you information regarding the physical properties of the device and how it operates according to the inventor. Let me know if you have any further questions!

The device was originally called the cloudbuster and consisted of a tall wooden pole with a series of wires attached. Two dipoles were mounted on either side of the pole, with their ends facing away from each other. Each dipole had six short rods pointing inward and outward. The device looked like a giant pair of scissors. The purpose of the rods was to collect the orgone and bring it closer to the person. This was said to improve mental clarity, relieve stress and anxiety, and prevent illness. Reich thought that the device could remove fog, clouds and pollution, as well as calm storms. The original Cloudbuster was destroyed in a fire.

The Cloudbuster was later modified to resemble a gun-like device with a long barrel and trigger. This was used for testing the weather. Reich took the device on tour and shot at thunderstorms claiming that it calmed the storm cloud. The effectiveness of the device was never proven. The Cloudbuster was banned by the FDA due to claims made by Reich that it could kill bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, mildew, and insects. Also, that it could treat acne and other human illnesses. The FDA found that the device did not work against germs, nor could it affect the human immune system.

In addition to the personal use of the accumulator, Reich also used it to try to clear up smog and haze in cities. His method involved shooting the Clouderbuster into the middle of the smoggy area, supposedly clearing the air and bringing forth sunshine. This was claimed to be very effective but again it has been disputed and the evidence supporting this is anecdotal.

There have been some studies conducted on the Cloudbusters effect on rain making but none of them have been scientifically controlled. It appears that the device may have an effect on the formation of clouds and precipitation but the results are inconsistent. The device is currently being sold today under the name of a "weather modification" device. Its effectiveness for this purpose remains questionable. The same goes for the other uses described above. The device is popular among those interested in alternative medicine and healing and is considered to be somewhat cultish. The scientific community does not recognize the validity of the research and findings associated with the device.

There are two main parts to the theory behind the orgone accumulator: the concept of "orgone energy," which is supposed to exist everywhere in nature; and the "life force," which Reich believed was the source of all living things. According to Reich, these concepts are closely related. Reich defined orgone as bio-energy plus dead orgone (or cosmic orgone). Bio-energetic forces come from living organisms such as plants animals and humans while cosmic forces come from non-living sources including rocks water and air. In addition to being the source of all living organisms, the life-force is also the source of all psychological complexes, thoughts feelings, emotions and behaviors. All forms of consciousness including the subconscious mind are manifestations of this life-force. The accumulation of negative orgone causes sickness and death. On the other hand, the presence of positive orgone leads to happiness, health, and vitality. In order to achieve balance between these opposing forces one needs to accumulate more than enough positive orgone to counteract the effects of the negative orgone. If there is too much negative orgone then the body will become ill or even die. To combat this, people would need to do something about accumulating more positive orgone. There are a number of ways to do this. They include using a variety of devices that he invented such as the Cloudbuster and the Orgone Accumulator. The most common way of doing this is to make a box or cylinder out of wood with small holes drilled throughout, fill it with carbon-loaded resin, place it in the sun and turn it over every 15 minutes until the interior is covered with dew. This was done because it seemed that once the inside reached saturation point no further accumulation occurred.

Orgonite is a mixture of resin and metal shavings suspended in a matrix of fiberglass. In the early days it had copper wire wrapped around the outer edge but now the most common way of doing this is using multiple layers of mesh with different metals embedded in each layer. There are many variations of how to make these devices and the design is not rigidly defined although there may be some standard ways of doing it. The basic idea is that when you put negative ions in contact with positive ones they cancel each other out but when you use organic materials mixed with non-organic materials together the negative and positive charges do not cancel and will attract more of both to create a build-up of free electrons. The free electrons then become part of the orgone field. If you add a piece of quartz crystal or a battery or any number of other components you can increase the strength of the magnetic field and allow the build-up of even more free electrons to occur. The orgone field builds up over time until it becomes too strong and needs to be dissipated back down to zero again. This is done by placing it next to something conductive like the earth or touching your bare skin. The Orgone field should never be allowed to get too high because it can cause problems. There is no proof that the technology works.

It's important to note that the term "orgone" was coined by Wilhelm Reich and not widely recognized in mainstream science before his invention of the accumulator. He first discovered the term in 1939 through his reading of Hindu scriptures. At the time he read about the "prana", the vital force thought to permeate all living matter in Hinduism. Prana is often referred to as "chi" in Chinese culture. This concept is based upon the belief that a person's well-being is dependent on the flow of prana in their body. The concept of chi is also present in Japanese culture where it is called "ki". Ki refers to the universal energy that exists within all living things and is sometimes seen as the spiritual equivalent of breath.

The device was originally called the cloudbuster and consisted of a tall wooden pole with a series of wires attached. Two dipoles were mounted on either side of the pole, with their ends facing away from each other. Each dipole had six short rods pointing inward and outward. The device looked like a giant pair of scissors. The purpose of the rods was to collect the orgone and bring it closer to the person. This was said to improve mental clarity relieve stress and anxiety and prevent illness. Reich thought that the device could remove fog clouds and pollution as well as calm storms. The original Cloudbuster was destroyed in a fire.

Reich used various types of dials, lights and meters to measure what he claimed was the amount of accumulated orgone. The effectiveness of the device has been disputed and its usefulness in treating disease or improving weather has never been scientifically proven. It is still being marketed today as an instrument for clearing smog and haze in cities. However, the evidence supporting this is anecdotal rather than empirical. Its effectiveness for treating disease is unknown.

There were some repeats of paragraphs in the forgoing sample data from the RAG experiment.

I am not sure if I should have mentioned that the Orgone Generator uses the same principles as the Cloudbuster? Maybe my previous statement wasn't clear?

On an interesting side note, for higher level data aggregation or vector sorting perhaps?


  1. https://info216.wiki.uib.no/images/c/c4/IntroToWordEmbeddings.pdf - Intro to Word Vector Embeddings
  2. https://github.com/oobabooga/text-generation-webui - A base gradio implementation of transformer modelling

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